assignment should be with an experienced security guard. A continuous requirement
will be additional in-service training. Also, periodic retraining of personnel is
This will be done to review basic material and other subjects
applicable to the specific post.
c. Assess performance of security forces.
(a) Tests or examinations (FM 21-6) for evaluating security guard
performance are necessary.
Such testing is also necessary for an effective
training program.
These tests, whether oral, written, or a type of performance
test, should be given at least once a year. By so doing, supervisors can determine
whether high standards of proficiency are being achieved and maintained. A testing
program will also aid in improving security training by:
Discovering gaps in security training.
Stressing main points.
(b) Training received by security at their units should be entered in
unit training charts or records. This record will help to:
Indicate individual degrees of skill.
Present a complete picture of the guard force training status.
Vulnerability Tests.
a. Many security demands are routine, of a repetitive nature, and involve
much solitude.
Because of this, personnel must make special efforts; they must
overcome a tendency to relax in doing their duties.
To check on this weakness,
certain tests may be used.
They will help keep personnel aware of their
responsibilities. The tests will also serve to point out other weaknesses in the
security system. These are vulnerability tests. They are normally designed by the
provost marshal or the physical security manager. The tests consist of attempts to
breach security in one way or other. An example would be entering or attempting to
enter a restricted area through deception.
The types of deception which may be
used are almost unlimited.
b. Test objectives.
(1) A vulnerability test gives the CO an estimate of the vulnerability of
his post or facility. It tests the effectiveness of the security force and other
personnel; it alerts personnel to the techniques that