points. Cross-check this against vehicle mileage for indications of theft or illegal diversion. Do so using
DA Form 3643, figure 5-1.
f. Spot check the contents of containers storing used POL products, and ensure they are used
(not fresh products) and marked properly. Ensure used POL products are stored separately.
g. Supervise loading of used products. This will ensure that fresh stocks are not included with
material being disposed of.
h. Ensure all issues of fuel are made under adequate supervision or at least spot checked. Ensure
that measuring devices are adequately calibrated and secured when not in use. See that large POL
packages, e.g., 55-gallon drums, are handled in such a way as to preclude their use as hiding places
for pilfered items.
i. Control the circulation of commercial POL tankers on the post. Have MPs check commercial
tanker operators for a delivery order or copy of the procurement contract. Either authorizes them to
enter the post. Bar entry of privately owned vehicles into POL dispensing points.
j. Review delivery and issue documents for indications of falsification. These may be changes or
fictitious aircraft or vehicle ID numbers. Other indications may take the form of fictitious or dual-delivery
receipts, or forged documents.
Follow up on bulk POL issues to ensure the same quantity issued actually arrives at the destination.
Seals and locks on tanks may also be used.
k. Make arrangements to have POL delivery tank trucks transport no more than that amount
ordered. Delivery vehicles can then be checked before leaving the post. This will ensure the tanks are
l. Conduct periodic unannounced audits of POL facilities.
m. See that inventories are done daily on all used pumps and monthly on bulk storage tanks.
n. Ensure placement of locking gas cap devices and antisiphon units in the vehicles.
o. Install IDSs in buildings used to secure POL products, (See Appendix I at the end of this