3. Level III measures are the highest and may be implemented in accordance with AR 190-51 based
on a risk analysis using DA Pam 190-51. This level necessarily includes Level I and Level II measures.
1. Responsibility.
a. The CO is responsible for a written physical security plan. Army posts with a permanent
aviation facility located there or nearby will annex the post security plan with one for each airfield.
b. Some aviation facilities are not on Army property. If this is the case, the CO will coordinate with
the host authority to provide a security plan.
c. A physical security officer will be appointed to develop physical security plans. He will also
coordinate, implement, and update these plans. This officer may be a commissioned officer, a warrant
officer, a noncommissioned officer, or a civilian.
2. Security Requirements.
a. Whenever practical, an aircraft will be parked at any Army airfield or civilian airport having an
active security program.
b. Some locations do not have an active security program. If not, a crew member should remain
with the aircraft, if possible. Otherwise, the CO is responsible for advising aviation authorities and the
local law enforcement agency of the following:
(1) Aircraft location.
(2) Aircraft identification.
(3) Estimated length of stay.
(4) How crew members may be contacted.
c. The aircraft will be checked by a crewmember at least once a day.
3. Minimum Guard Standards.
a. Aircraft will be parked in hangars or available structures if at all possible.
b. Aircraft parked upon the flight line of Active Army, USAR, and ARNG aviation facilities will be
checked by roving guards no less than once every three hours.