(1) A physical count inventory of all weapons received will be conducted. This should take
place immediately upon receipt of weapons at unit/activity level. At the same time, the serial numbers
will be entered in unit and/or station property records. These records must be kept current at all times.
(2) All weapons not in bulk storage will be inventoried by physical count. A 100% serial number
inventory will be conducted at least once each quarter. They will be inventoried by physical count each
time responsibility for the custody of arms storage room keys is transferred. ARNG and USAR units will
do a physical inventory monthly and a serial number inventory quarterly.
(3) Weapons in bulk or in depot storage will be inventoried at least once each fiscal year. They
will be inventoried by quantity and type, based on a count of sealed containers.
(4) Written inventory records will be maintained in unit files for two years and then be destroyed.
If there is a discrepancy in the records, these inventory records will be maintained for four years.
b. Unit issue and return procedures.
(1) Each person who is issued a weapon must be issued a DA Form 3749 (Weapons Receipt).
This must be turned in to the arms room when the person draws his assigned weapon. At the time of
issuance, he will enter the serial number of the weapon drawn and his signature on an issue sheet or
log. The sheet or log will bear the date of the transaction. At the time of turn-in an entry will be made
on the issue sheet or log indicating that the weapon was returned, the armorer (issuer) will sign or initial
the entry, and the person's Weapons Receipt will be returned.
(2) Unit COs must establish written alternate procedures for the issue of weapons during
emergencies or field exercises. Procedures should also include those times when operational
necessity dictates a need for rapid issue of equipment.
5. Security Measures for Arms Rooms.
a. Lighting. Interior and exterior security lighting will be provided for all arms storage buildings.
Such lighting will be provided in buildings having arms storage rooms. Motor pools, hangars, and
outdoor parking areas for vehicle or aircraft with weapons stored on board must have such lighting.
(1) The lighting must be of enough intensity to afford guards excellent observation during the
night. They should be able to immediately recognize illegal acts. Examples are breaking and entering
or unauthorized removal of arms.
(2) Switches for exterior lighting will be installed so that they are not accessible to unauthorized