official duties and notwithstanding that he may have been offered the opportunity because of his official
FUNDRAISING. Provided that he does not otherwise violate the "Standards of Ethical Conduct," an
employee may engage in charitable fundraising activities in a personal capacity if he does not use his
official title, position or authority to further that effort or personally solicit funds or other support from
subordinates or from anyone known to him to be a prohibited source for purposes of the gift restrictions
in subpart B.
JUST FINANCIAL OBLIGATION. Employees shall satisfy in good faith all just financial obligations.
10. Procurement Integrity
The Standards of Ethical Conduct apply to all procurement officials who are members of the
Executive Branch. However, because of the procurement scandals of the 1980's, Congress passed
legislation setting up stricter standards of conduct for procurement officials, 41 USC 423. Since these
standards are punitive, you should be aware of them when the economic crime involves procurement
fraud allegations.
A procurement official is any military person, US Government employee or other who, during the
conduct of a procurement, participates personally and substantially in:
(1) drafting, reviewing, or approving of a contract specification or statement of work,
(2) preparing or developing requests for bid proposals,
(3) preparing and issuing solicitations,
(5) selection of sources,
(6) negotiations, or
(7) reviewing and approving a contract award.
The conduct of the procurement begins when a decision is made to contract for an item or service for
the government. The conduct of the procurement ends with the award of the contract. It also includes
the period from the decision to modify an existing contract through all the procedures to the actual
approval of the modification.
In addition to the Standards of Ethical Conduct which apply to all employees; there are special
standards which apply to those procurement officials and the prospective contractors during the
conduct of the