Lesson 2 Practice Exercise
The following questions are multiple choice and/or true/false. You are to select the one that is
correct. Show your choice by CIRCLING the letter beside the correct choice directly on the page.
This is a self-graded lesson exercise. Do not look up the correct answer from the lesson solution
sheet until you have finished. To do so may hinder your ability to learn this material. Also, your
final examination score will tend to be lower than if you had not followed this recommendation.
1. The specific authority for confinement of military prisoners is granted by:
A. The Base Commander.
B. Congress.
C. Commanding Officer of the person ordered to confinement.
D. Trial Judge.
2. The mission of the Army correctional program is to provide for the:
B. Removal of undesirables from the Army.
C. Custody and correctional treatment of military prisoners.
D. Correct training for all military personnel.
3. The accused has 30 days from the time he is notified of the decision of the Court of Military
Review to petition the Court of Military Appeals for review.
A. True.
B. False.
4. Which of the following is NOT a prerequisite for pretrial confinement?
A. When it is necessary to ensure the presence of the accused at the trial.
B. When the seriousness of the offense charged warrants confinement.
When it is necessary to prevent the accused from committing acts of violence to
himself and others.
D. When the commander does not want the remainder of his troops influenced by the conduct
of the accused.