Lesson 4 Practice Exercise
The following questions are multiple choice and/or true/false. You are to select the one that is
correct. Show your choice by CIRCLING the letter beside the correct choice directly on the page.
This is a self-graded lesson exercise. Do not look up the correct answer from the lesson solution
until you have finished. To do so may hinder your ability to learn this material. Also, your final
examination score will tend to be lower than if you had followed this recommendation.
1. The three levels of military justice are:
A. Administrative, nonjudicial, and judicial actions.
B. Administrative, undesirable, and punitive discharges.
C. Pretrial investigation, the trial and post-trial confinement.
D. Summary, special, and general courts-martial.
2. Any member of the Armed Forces may refuse:
A. Administrative actions.
B. Article 15 and demand trial by court-martial.
C. Trial by summary court-martial only.
D. Article 15 punishment only.
3. If a Soldier has been punished by Article 15, the Soldier may:
A. Issue a reclama of facts to the staff judge advocate.
B. Not appeal the case, except in court.
C. Appeal the punishment to the next superior command officer.
D. Appeal the punishment to the first colonel in the chain of command.
4. Under the provisions of Article 15, UCMJ, a company-grade commanding officer may impose
all of the following punishments EXCEPT:
A. Reduction of two pay-grades.
B. Seven days loss of pay.