accomplishment of an organization's goals. This lesson has been an attempt to refresh your memory
on many of the leadership fundamentals with which you are undoubtedly familiar and to introduce
you to many new concepts and approaches recently incorporated into Army doctrine. The effective
military leader never ceases to learn and apply new knowledge. Leadership is our responsibility
and we must grow to it.
Lesson 6 Practice Exercise
The following questions are multiple choice and/or true/false. You are to select the one that is
correct. Show your choice by CIRCLING the letter beside the correct choice directly on the page.
This is a self-graded lesson exercise. Do not look up the correct answer from the lesson solution
sheet until you have finished. To do so may hinder your ability to learn this material. Also, your
final examination score will tend to be lower than if you had not followed this recommendation.
1. Which of the following learned needs rates the highest in terms of Maslow's Hierarchy?
A. Desire for security.
B. Need for belonging and social acceptance.
C. Need for self-fulfillment or self-actualization.
D. Need for status or prestige.
2. Leadership involves understanding, analyzing, predicting, and managing human behavior.
A. True.
B. False.
3. Man lives according to that which he perceives to be right. What do we call the code that each
individual lives by?
A. An attitude set.
B. A value system.
C. The law.
D. A hierarchy of needs.
4. ____________ include loyalty to one's country, concern for the national welfare, adherence to
democratic principles and the American Way, public service, voting, civic responsibility, and free