4. A means of organizing search parties and determining areas of search.
5. If applicable, include means and procedures for notification of the prisoner's unit commander
and civil authorities.
6. A means of communication and coordination of effort among the activities involved.
7. An outline of procedures for the prompt reporting of the apprehension of the escaped
prisoners or termination of search to all activities, agencies, and/or personnel who were notified of
the escape and that are engaged in the search.
8. Instructions for investigations to determine the persons or persons responsible and the causes
of the escape.
9. Instructions concerning the use of weapons during escapes. These instructions will be
developed IAW the following weapons guidance:
a. M16/M4 rifles and only 12gauge shotguns with cylinder (unchoked) barrels will be
issued for use by ACS guards. Barrels will not exceed 20 inches in length. Authorized ammunition
for armed corrections officers (perimeter and escort corrections officers) is number 9 shot in trap
loads of 2 3/4 grams equivalent of powder, 1 1/8 ounces of shot for shotguns, and 5.56 ball
ammunition for M16/M4 rifles. Tower guards may use number 00 buckshot ammunition. The
shotgun is the preferred weapon for guarding prisoners. The characteristics of this weapon tend to
deter escape attempts and it minimizes danger to innocent bystanders in the vicinity. Guards will be
instructed that at a very short range the shotgun is a lethal and maiming weapon and will be fired
only to prevent a felony or an escape, and in self-defense.
b. The 9-mm pistol may be used when prisoners are under escort.
c. The use of firearms to prevent escape is justified only when there is no other reasonable
means to prevent escape. Caution and good judgment must control the use of firearms in preventing
the escape of prisoners.
d. Weapons are not authorized for use on employment details.
PART C - Fires.
Fires almost always have significant origins, which, if unchecked at the outset, flare into
problems of major proportions with little or no warning. Conditions that can result in a fire
situation and the means of correction are as follows:
1. Careless Use of Smoking Materials. This includes smoking in bed, careless disposal of
lighted matches, and smoking near combustible materials. Posting "NO SMOKING" signs and
establishing a policy of strict enforcement may correct this.
2. Improper Storage of Combustible Materials. This may be corrected by establishing
authorized storage areas and obtaining approved storage containers.