7. During a strip search, it is suspected that unauthorized articles may be hidden in the prisoner's anal cavity.
What is the appropriate action that should be taken and why?
a. Immediately request a medical officer's presence as he can proceed with this search.
b. Notify the facility commander for further instructions as he can grant the necessary authority to proceed
with the search.
c. Notify the senior correctional NCO after the item has been removed and identified.
d. Simply ignore the area and proceed with the search.
8. A completed FBI Form FD 249 (US Department of Justice Arrest Card) will be forwarded to the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, ATTN: Automatic Fingerprint Division, Washington, D.C. 205379700:
Through the major army commander concerned.
Through the major army commander concerned with a letter of transmittal.
Directly with a letter of transmittal.
Directly without a letter of transmittal.