2. Transfer and Disposition Procedures. Confinement is usually a new experience for an individual. It is
important that the highest degree of competence be shown in carrying out prisoner transfer and disposition. A
prisoner's impression of the manner in which he is processed will establish his attitude toward future
correctional treatment. As in any phase of life, first impressions are lasting impressions.
a. Before actual transfer of prisoners, a minimum of 2-duty days advance notice will be given to the
appropriate service agency/Correctional Holding Detachment (CHD) or commander of the gaining facility.
Notification will include time and place of arrival, mode of transportation, number of prisoners being
transferred, number of accompanying guards, and any additional information; for example, escape risk,
medication. Direct coordination between commanders of ACS facilities is authorized. Prisoners will be
delivered to ACS facilities during normal duty hours, when possible. Prisoners will not be transferred prior to
publication of official Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders.
b. When the transfer is to the USDB, the prisoner will be assigned to the CHD or other service
administrative agencies.
c. Prisoners transferring to Regional Correctional Facilities (RCFs) will be assigned to the Personnel
Control Facility (PCF) servicing the RCF, as prescribed in AR 600811. Prisoners will be attached to the RCF
for courts and boards.
d. Commanders of PCFs, upon receipt of prisoner orders, should review the files and consider initiating
chapter action proceedings against prisoners without an adjudged punitive discharge.
e. A prisoner who has completed a sentence to incarceration at the USDB and who has been adjudged a
punitive discharge not yet ordered or executed will be placed on excess leave and allowed to depart to their
release address. A prisoner who completes a sentence in an RCF will be sent to the PCF of assignment.
f. Prior to the transfer of any prisoner, the following action will be completed by the transferring
(1) The prisoner's pay status will be reviewed and any payments due will be placed with the prisoner's
personal funds for transfer to the receiving facility. The financial documents will be placed in a DA Form 2356
(Payroll Suspense Documents Envelope) and will accompany inmates to ACS facilities, unless the convening
authority has approved total forfeiture, in which case the final pay voucher will be filed in the personal financial
record and forwarded to the Claims Division, Settlement Operations, Defense Finance and Accounting Service,
Indianapolis, IN 46249.
(2) Action will be taken to reinstate Serviceman's Group Life Insurance, when appropriate.
(3) Prisoner's personal funds will be transferred as prescribed in AR 210174.
(4) The commander of an ACS facility from which a prisoner is transferred has the responsibility to
ensure that the prisoner's military clothing listed in AR 70084 is serviceable and transferred with the prisoner.
(5) Prisoners will not be transferred prior to issue of PCS orders directing the prisoner's official
movement by the losing unit.
g. In all cases where post trial or officer prisoners are transferred to ACS facilities, commanders will: