The analysis is a basic tool to identify problem areas in handling domestic disturbances. It has a two-
fold purpose. The first has already been stated. In other words, to prepare and plan for these type of
incidents. The second and equally important reason is that the analysis will provide information upon
which to base your training programs. Some of the types of information that can be obtained and
incorporated in both planning and training are discussed in the following paragraphs.
There are basic patterns to the violence that occurs. You can determine what these are for your
particular installation. About twenty-five per cent of all homicides occur between husbands and wives.
In domestic violence, males commit aggravated assaults more often than females. However, females
commit homicide more often than males in this situation. Males predominate in acts that require the
use of brute force and physical dominance. This includes acts such as punching, slapping, grabbing,
and choking. Females usually cannot match their husbands in physical strength. When they initiate
acts of violence, or retaliate, they are more likely to use objects as weapons. Wives outnumber
husbands about 2-to-1 in hitting the victim with a hard object such as a lamp, ashtray, frying pan, etc.
In almost all domestic disturbances, there is a potential for escalation and sudden violence. There may
be a continued build-up of frustration with no release. Sudden violence can erupt, volcanically, when
the pent-up frustration reaches a breaking point. This happens in most of these cases. Serious injury
and death may result. The carefully planned homicide is relatively rare in these circumstances.
Rather, one or the other of the disputants totally loses control of their temper and commits the act with
little or no forethought.
Weapons, Places, and Times
In many domestic disputes, the weapon employed is often one readily at hand. You can study the
installation statistics to determine trends. There are some trends nation-wide that you should be aware
of. They provide a starting point: for the analysis of this area at the installation. Some studies have
concluded that females are more likely to use a knife while males are more likely to use a gun.
The most common place for females to be killed or seriously injured is the bedroom; the kitchen for
males (homicides). The kitchen has been found to be the overwhelming favorite for family arguments;
followed by the bedroom and living room. The bathroom appears to be a sanctuary. This may be