headlights illuminate the entire scene. Emergency lights should be on day or night to warn approaching
motorists of the hazard. The next step is to care for the injured and protect property. The investigators
o Determine the extent of injuries, if any.
o Render first aid, if necessary.
o Request medical assistance, if necessary.
Severely injured persons should not be moved except to preserve their safety. The position of all
victims should be noted for report purposes and, if on the road, the positions should be outlined in
chalk. Final determination of death is made by a doctor.
After caring for the injured, the scene should be secured to protect property and preserve evidence.
Personal property of accident victims must be protected. In case of accidents involving fatalities or
felonies, the desk sergeant should be notified to alert the duty CID special agent. Any classified
documents found at the scene should be safeguarded and reported to the unit or nearest military
3. Traffic Control.
Additional support personnel should be requested if needed. These personnel include--
o Facility engineers for fire trucks and portable lighting and repair of power lines, roads, and
o Signal personnel for telephone repair and photography.
o Medical personnel for an ambulance and special medical equipment.
o Civilian police if accident is within their jurisdiction.
Next, establish traffic control. Traffic control is essential at an accident scene to prevent further
accidents or injuries. Request additional MP support if necessary. Under certain conditions it may be
necessary to establish control procedures prior to aiding the injured to prevent further injuries.
Rerouting vehicles around the accident scene is the most common procedure used. Military personnel
at the scene may be used to help control traffic or perform other duties if necessary. All other
spectators or unnecessary persons should be cleared from the accident area.
The decision to move a vehicle from its final position must often be made by the MP patrol arriving at
the scene. When a vehicle is to be moved, the positions of the wheels should be marked on the ground
so the vehicle can be relocated for investigative purposes. A vehicle must be moved immediately--
o When an injured person is trapped in the wreckage and cannot be treated there.
o When a person is trapped in wreckage near burning material or near an area of potential fire.