The SAC works closely with the principal's party and protective members. He handles matters with
officials, press policies, public exposure, and liaison with other military and civilian agencies.
The SAC also leads the team personnel through after-action activities.
Personal Security Officer (PSO). The PSO provides close-in security of the principal. The PSO
provides around-the-clock protection for the principal everywhere to include the residence while
traveling. The PSO must be well-briefed, extremely well-trained, and reliable. The PSO and SAC are
occasionally the same person on smaller missions. The PSOs in charge of the in-close team.
Advance Team. The advance team "clears the way" for the principal and his party. The team performs
a security check at each stop along the itinerary of a principal's route before he is to use it. Any
possible threats or problems are noted and dealt with as completely as possible by the security team.
Close liaison with local law enforcement officials is very important. The advance team reviews air and
ground traffic, personnel, locations, and anything that could affect the safety of the principal.
Protective Team. The protective team is a small unit that remains with the principal at all times. This
team, along with, or subordinate to, the PSO, ensures no unauthorized persons get near the principal.
They are proficient with their weapons and protective services techniques.
Residence Watch Team. The residence watch team plans for and provides security at the principal's
residence. They help to select the residence if it is temporary and conduct inspections on site. They
work with the advance team to review persons working at the residence. May be one or more
person(s) and will maintain a written record of events (DA Form 1594).
Baggage Team. The baggage team is responsible for all personal items of the principal and his party.
They are to protect the principal from theft and loss. They will prevent foreign objects or explosives
from entering the principal's baggage.
Conduct and Demeanor of Security Personnel.
Military Police or other persons assigned to these duties are selected on the basis of their appearance,
alertness, and intelligence, as well as their ability to act quickly and correctly in unforeseen
circumstances. They are told that no risks are to be taken with the safety and well-being of the
principals. Protective personnel, to perform their mission efficiently, must understand the terminology
peculiar to an assignment of this type. Military police should know the identity of each person in the
party of a protected official.
The attitude of the protected person must be estimated by the MP. In some instances, the presence of
security personnel is unpleasant to a dignitary.