Evacuation Consideration. As discussed, evacuation is determined only after a thorough evaluation by
the bomb scene officer of all available information. He may decide to evacuate for a variety of reasons,
such as a descriptive bomb threat. If a device is discovered, either as a result of a bomb threat or
during routine operations, an evacuation should be carried out promptly.
Evacuation Procedures. Authority to evacuate rests with the bomb scene officer, commander, or
supervisor of the building concerned. Re-entry to the building is decided by the bomb scene officer.
Have a signal for evacuation. Proceed according to a set evacuation plan.
Evacuation teams should guide the occupants out of the area. These teams should be designated
before the incident and be highly trained.
Evacuation must occur with the same compliance and speed as that of a fire drill. Public areas are the
most likely place for bombs to be placed. They are the usual routes for evacuation. If time permits, a
thorough search of these areas should be done before evacuation. This includes areas outside the
Individual responsibilities differ from a fire drill in the following ways:
o All persons will make a preliminary search around their immediate areas for suspicious items.
o All persons, as they leave, will remove those items that they brought in (briefcases, thermos
bottles, lunch bags), turn off radios and unplug office machines.
o Windows and doors will be left open to help dissipate any explosive force.
o All cabinets and drawers will be left unlocked (except classified cabinets) to make it easier for
the searchers.
o When evacuation of a building is completed, the building must be secured to prevent re-entry by
unauthorized personnel.
When a bomb is found, evacuation will differ. Routes will be determined that will evacuate those
closest to the bomb first. This will also depend on the type of building. In buildings with more than one
story, rooms on floors above the danger point and just below should be evacuated first. Also, on the
same floor as the bomb, evacuate three rooms away on all sides.
All persons will evacuate to a predetermined assembly area. A total accounting of all personnel will be
done in this assembly area. This will determine if anyone still remains in the building. Secondly, it
gives access to people who can verify if objects found belong in their area or not.