When it is determined that evidence should not, or cannot, be marked for
identification, it will be placed in a clean, suitable container. Place evidence
found in different locations, or different types of evidence, in separate
containers. Seal the container to avoid spillage or contamination. The cover and
container should be marked with the following information:
Time and date of sealing.
Initials or signature of the seizer.
MP report (MPR) number.
When heat seal bags are used, procedures provided with the equipment will be
followed. This includes affixing a self-adhering evidence label to the outside of
the bag. The label displays the following information:
Name of the person sealing the pouch.
Time and date of the sealing.
MPR number.
The label is then embossed with a raised seal unique to the submitting organization
in the upper right corner of the bag over the heat sealed strip.
Items such as small amounts of powder, hairs, fibers, or small paint chips should
not be placed in plastic bags.
They will adhere to the inside because of static
Instead, put them in paper wrappings, cardboard containers, plastic
vials, or glass vials.
Fungible evidence submitted for serological tests will not be sealed in any type of
plastic container.
Preparation of DA Form 4137 (Evidence/Property Custody Document).
All physical
evidence will be recorded on a DA Form 4137. (See Figures 1-9 and 1-10.) This is
regardless of how it is obtained.
The MP who first acquired the evidence must
prepare the DA Form 4137 in an original and three copies.
Preparation of DA Form 4002 (Evidence/Property Tag). Each item of evidence must be
properly tagged with DA Form 4002 to identify and control it. (See Figure 1-11.)
When items are grouped together (such as a box containing tools) and listed as one
item on DA Form 4137, only one DA Form 4002 is used. The MP who first acquired the
evidence must complete the tags, type or print legibly in ink, and attach them to
the evidence or its container.