Other folders, if needed, used as management tools.
should establish a suspense system to enable them to maintain the status of
vouchers and evidence at all times.
This is not meant to be an additional
administrative burden.
But rather, a tool to assist in the timely
disposition of evidence and to prevent lost or misplaced evidence.
After all items of evidence listed on a DA Form 4137 have been properly disposed
of, the original voucher will be placed in a separate evidence voucher file under
file number 509-11. This file will be held in the office administrative files area
and the vouchers will be disposed of.
Once the original voucher has been placed in the separate evidence voucher file,
any remaining copies may be disposed of in accordance with AR 340-18-5.
When the voucher pertains to an ROI or MPR, a copy will be forwarded to the US Army
Crime Records Center (USACRC) as an exhibit to the final report. If the evidence
was collected after the final report was submitted, a copy of the voucher will be
forwarded as an exhibit to the supplemental report.
A copy of the voucher will
also be attached to the office file copy of the report.
A copy will be made from the suspense copy of DA Form 4137 and placed in the
evidence voucher file (noting the disposition of the original form) if the original
DA Form 4137--
Is entered as a permanent part in the record of trial.
Accompanies evidence released to an external agency.
Is not available for any other reason.
physical changes in the substance will be annotated in the "Purpose of Change of
Custody" column on the DA Form 4137. Likewise, any deficiencies will be noted in a
memorandum for record (MFR) and attached to DA Form 4137.
Temporary Release of Evidence. Evidence may be removed from the evidence room only
for permanent disposal or for temporary release of specific reasons.
The most
common reasons for temporary removal are--
Transmittal to a crime laboratory for forensic examination.
Presentation at a court-martial or hearing conducted pursuant to Article 32,
Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
The person to whom evidence is released, either temporarily or for permanent
disposal, will sign for it in the "Received By" column of the "Chain of Custody"
section. This will be done on the original and first copy of the DA Form 4137.