(c) The production of resin (juices from plant) will vary with each
plant. Normally, plants growing in hot climates produce more resin than plants
growing in temperate zones.
(d) Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the active principle of cannabis
that causes the hallucinogen effect.
(e) Most of the marijuana you will encounter will be cut, dried, and
prepared in a tobacco-like form. It will range from green and brown in color
and can be rough cut or manicured. It may or may not contain seeds and stalk.
This form of marijuana is usually smoked in cigarettes.
(f) Marijuana is usually sold on the illegal market by the "bag,"
"key," or "lid" and at times by the cigarette.
These were first called
"reefers" or "sticks," but more recently are called "joints" or "J's." A bag
is usually a small volume of marijuana that yields from 10 to 20 cigarettes.
At times you will hear the terms "nickel bag" and "dime bag" which refer to the
cost of the marijuana. A lid (tin or cup) of marijuana usually refers to an
ounce of marijuana; a key refers to a kilo (2.2 pounds). The more marijuana
that a person buys, the cheaper the price involved.
For this reason most
people buy a bag or lid and avoid the expensive single cigarette. In the Far
East, entire packages of cigarettes containing marijuana are sold.
(g) Marijuana is often compressed into a cake form for ease in
transportation. Large amounts can then be carried into a small area. Stalks
and seeds are generally present.
(h) Hashish is the pure resin from the cannabis plant. It is much
stronger than other versions of cannabis.
It can be six to ten times more
The stalks and seeds are not present in this form; positive
identification is only possible by chemical means. Hashish is generally smoked
in a pipe.
(2) The Effects of Marijuana. There is still no evidence of any casual
stair-step effect.
Such would be marijuana use leading to heroin use.
However, a person who takes one or more of the many illicit drugs is expressing
an interest. Evidence does indicate that such initial interest can grow. It
can then result in a lifestyle in which drugs play a large role. When thinking
of the subjective effects of marijuana, many variables must be considered.
self-control; they are due also to dosage, setting, a mixture with other drugs,
expectations, and the like. Some medical use of marijuana is now legal in a
few states.
It can be legally prescribed for lessening pain in cancer and
glaucoma. However, such medical use is rare and strictly monitored. This is
due in part to marijuana being an unpredictable drug with unpredictable
(a) Marijuana is a hallucinogenic drug; it causes mild psychological