cage or mechanic's toolroom. The responsibility for designation is the CO's.
However, the one advising him, the provost marshal or security officer,
should consider carefully the foregoing guidance.
He should evaluate the
purpose of any proposed designation of a restricted area.
He should
He should then plan his
recommendation accordingly.
d. A restricted area must be designated in writing by the CO. It must
be posted with warning signs or notices.
These should be of the type
described in AR 190-13.
by providing defense in-depth. It increases efficiency by providing degrees
of security compatible with operational requirements.
These areas may also
provide for economy of operation. It reduces the need for stringent control
measures for the entire post.
Type of Restricted Areas.
a. The degree of security and controls required will be dependent upon
several things.
The nature, sensitivity, or importance of the security
interest affect the degree.
the following:
(1) Effective use
unauthorized personnel.
(2) Intensified controls over those areas needing special protection.
(3) Conditions for segregating special areas; also conditions for
providing increased security of classified data with little impact on total
b. Areas have different degrees of security interest.
The degree
depends upon the area's purpose and the nature of the work. It also depends
on the information and/or materials concerned.
For similar reasons,
different areas on a post may have varying degrees of security importance.
Sometimes, the entire area of a post may have a uniform degree.
It may
require only one level of restriction and control.
In others, differences
will require more segregation of certain activities.
c. To meet these different levels of security further designations may
be needed. Examples are "exclusion," "limited," "controlled" areas. (It must
be understood that the term "restricted area is, in effect, a legal
designation; whereas, the terms "exclusion," "limited," and "controlled" are
administrative only.)
d. The main criterion for an administrative designation is the degree
of restriction or controls required.
The goal is to prevent compromise of
security interest or other matter therein.
Characteristics of these are as