d. How to spot control and route security measures.
Locations of holding areas, major
intersections on MSR, defiles, obstacles, bypasses, etc.
e. Control measures placed on the team such as phase lines, checkpoints, and time limits.
f. Action to take in contact with enemy. Undertake combat only to gain the desired information, in
self-defense, or when ordered to do so. Do not risk a recon mission by unnecessary combat.
g. Checklist for preparing an overlay:
(1) Identify and locate the route.
(2) Find the distance between easily recognized points.
(3) Slope percent and length.
(4) Sharp curves.
(5) Load classification of bridges.
(6) Fords and ferries data.
(7) Route constrictions.
(8) Location and dimension of tunnels.
(9) Suitable areas for short halts and bivouacs.
(10) Areas of rock falls and slides.
h. Communication frequencies/call signs. Discuss the SOI and verify that each team member
knows the call signs and radio frequencies.
5. Monitor the Recon.
Make sure the recon is completed within the time limit. Also be sure all the following data has been
a. Road surfaces (type of material): Soil, clay, cinders, gravel, macadam, etc.
b. Road width: Width of the travel way.
c. Obstructions: Factors which restrict the type and amount or speed of traffic flow.
d. Circulation control: The location of dispersion and holding areas. Locations of defiles and the