Military regulation violations include the title of the regulation, the regulation number, and
the pertinent UCMJ article.
Multiple offenses are listed and numbered consecutively.
The summary of the report is completed on the back of the form (or separate sheet) as a
continuation of the Complaint block. Details must be a concise statement answering the questions of
who, what, when, where, how, and why. When a person has been identified elsewhere in the report,
only that person's capitalized last name is used.
Location. The exact location of an incident is important. Check on or off post as applicable.
The location must be so explicit as to identify the location from any other. Use street names, building
numbers, compass direction, measurements, and/or anything else necessary to precisely identify a
location. However, do not use mobile objects, such as a footlocker. This information belongs in the
details of the report.
Time of offense. The exact time should be indicated by the military 24-hour clock. If the exact
time is unknown, the most accurate time range is indicated (for example, between 2300 and 0800).
When using a time range enter the beginning time of the Incident in the top of Block 5 and the ending
time in the bottom of the same block.
Date of offense. The date is indicated in the year/month/date (YYMMDD) format. If an exact
day is unknown, a date range is noted (for example, between 970704 and 970705). When using a date
range, enter the beginning date of the incident in the top of Block 6 and the ending date in the bottom of
the same block.
Offense codes. The correct offense code must be listed for all reports. The codes are found in
Table 4-2 AR 190-45 (an extract is at Appendix A of this subcourse).
Complaint received by. Blocks 8, 9, and 10 are completed as follows:
The Complaint Received By block contains the rank (not grade, i.e., SFC, not E7), and the
name of the person receiving the complaint (last name in capitals, first, MI). This person is
usually the desk sergeant.
The hour received is stated in terms of the military 24-hour clock.
The date received is expressed in the six-digit (year-month-date) format.
MP action referred to. Check the applicable block or blocks. The "Other" block refers to other
agencies. When this block is checked, the agency must be specified, such as Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI). The date referred must be in the six-digit (year/month/date) format.