The TCP is ideally located to provide information. Since the TCP is
at a critical intersection, most of the traffic will pass its position. The
They can convoy
information about route conditions, enemy activity, contaminated areas, unit
locations, and other information MSR users may need.
However, the team
takes care to establish the identity of the person asking for such
information. Tactical information, such as the location of units, is given
only to persons authorized to have the information.
The team uses all
e. Security
They must be able to secure themselves and their position. This is done by
establishing their position at a location that has cover and concealment,
good fields of fire, and communication.
They must be ready to provide a
temporary delay or withstand attack by small enemy forces.
Often, due to
their location, the team will be first in the warning system for air,
ground, or NBC attack.
The equipment used at a TCP is valuable to enemy forces. The SOI
reveals friendly frequencies, call signs, and order of battle. The maps may
show the locations of key facilities and units. MP teams must be ready to
destroy their equipment if they are attacked and it seems likely that this
information could fall into enemy hands.
A TCP also assists in route security. It provides a strong point
along the route and is located at a critical point. It serves as a vital
"anchor," between which the mobile patrols and convoy escorts operate. It
provides a safe haven for mobile patrols to retire to when under attack by
enemy forces.
f. Reporting
when the highway traffic division (HTD) so requests.
The team leader
assigns one man to keep a record of convoys passing through the TCPs. This
information is used by HTD to keep track of the progress of convoys.
The team compiles the information into a passing report. There is
no set format for a passing report.
The division or corps transportation
officer and the provost marshal will adopt a format.
The format will
usually be prescribed in the standing operating procedures (SOP). Passing
reports usually include the TCP location, the date, convoy identification
number, the time the first and last vehicles passed the TCP, and the number
of vehicles in the convoy.