Artillery/Mortar Fire. If a convoy receives artillery or mortar fire, the vehicles do not stop.
continue forward as quickly as possible to clear the impact area.
Convoy security operations are a vital role of the military police. You have learned how critically
important convoy security operations are. It is essential that both equipment and personnel be fully
prepared to conduct these operations. Personnel must be briefed fully and they and their equipment
inspected prior to departure. You have learned how a convoy is organized and where certain vehicles
are placed. The methods of escorting a convoy have also been discussed, as have the basic actions to
be taken when the convoy is attacked. In order to be successful, there must be close and continuing
coordination and cooperation between the convoy commander and the leader of the security escort.
In this lesson you have learned about the planning and conducting of convoy security missions. If you
feel you have a good grasp of the material, turn to the practice exercise on p. 2-38; if you are unsure of
something, go back and review the material.