When the principal travels by fixed wing aircraft, MP ride in the same aircraft. The same is true of
helicopters, whenever possible. During a vehicular movement, MP are the lead and trail vehicles. If
available, a scout vehicle may also be used. MP security elements maintain their security posture at all
times. Because the principal is very vulnerable just before a move begins; delays should be avoided.
Measures taken during movement are similar to those employed in convoy security. These are
described in detail in lesson 2. Unlike convoy security, MP in a security movement are usually
escorting only one or two vehicles. This increases the chance of the enemy detecting and identifying
the movement as a protective services operation. Certain passive protection measures must be used.
The security detail leader may:
o Vary the placement of the principal in his vehicle.
o Vary the position of the vehicle in the movement. This will depend on the number of vehicles in
the movement and the ability of the MP to provide overwatch.
o Remove or disguise distinguishing features of the principal's clothing and equipment.
o Disguise an MP as the principal.
MP coordinate the location and responsibility for control of the release point. The release point is
where the principal's travel ends or where responsibility for security is passed to another element.
Coordination for the release point is made before the route reconnaissance. This allows MP to see the
release point, decide on security requirements, and select probable defensive positions.
Control at the release point is important. Usually, release point security is the responsibility of the
gaining element. The release point becomes the gaining security element's start point. Which element
is responsible, however, must be clearly defined prior to the movement. The passing of security
responsibility must be very clear and precise to prevent confusion.
The principal is most often on a time schedule. If delays have occurred, the gaining element may have
to make up the time. If a lengthy delay has occurred, the principal is informed. If the delay is such that
the itinerary cannot be maintained, MP assist the principal in any manner possible to make
adjustments. This may include informing representatives at the destination of the delay. They may
provide a new estimated time of arrival. Such information must be transmitted only by secure means.
MP may be required to provide extended security at the destination or release point. This may occur if
the principal arrives early or if representatives at the destination are delayed. When this occurs, MP
take actions similar to those at the start point. A defensive perimeter is established. A clear