f. The affidavit is the last section of the DA Form 2823. It states that the information was
given voluntarily and that mistakes on the statement have been corrected. It shows that the number of
pages in the statement have been verified.
g. Figure 3-6 is a sample of a sworn statement which was continued on a third page. Notice
that two DA Forms 2823 were used to complete the statement. Page one is the front side of the DA
Form 2823. It contains the beginning of the sworn statement. The back side is lined out. It is not
initialed. It is not counted as a page in the total page number.
h. The second page is white bond paper which has the same heading information as on the DA
Form 2823. It contains the word "continued." At the bottom of this page are the initials of the person
making the statement. It also cites the page number 2 of 3 total pages. The end of the sworn statement
is on the back of a second DA Form 2823. The back has the affidavit which is completed. It is signed
by the interviewer, and the witness.
i. Mistakes. When a statement is typed, mistakes are likely to happen. Mistakes must he
handled in one of two ways. If a mistake is noticed while the statement is being typed, slash marks are
typed over each letter in the mistake. A space is left for the interviewee's initials. This way, the mistake
can be seen and it will not cause any doubt when and if the statement is introduced into court. The
correct letters or word(s) are then typed after the space.
A mistake caught right after typing:
o Slash marks are typed over each letter.
o A few spaces are left for the interviewee's initials.
o The statement continues.
j. A mistake may be found after the statement is completed. The mistake is lined out and the
correction is written above the mistake. The mistake must, again, be initialed by the interviewee.
Corrections cannot be made with "white-out," correction tape, or by erasing. Mistakes must still be
readable. Covering up a mistake makes it look like something is being concealed.
k. A mistake caught after the Sworn Statement is completely typed:
o A line is drawn through the mistake.
o The correct word is printed above the error.
o The interviewee initials the correction.