14 only), or the victim is the U.S. Government (for offenses on lines 15
through 22 only).
Column f. Subjects unknown on post. Enter all founded offenses occurring on post in
which the subject is unknown.
Column g. Subjects unknown off post. Enter all reported off post founded offenses of
Army interest in which the subject is unknown.
Column identified offenders. A person identified and reported by law enforcement officials as the
person who committed an offense. Determination that a person committed an offense is based on
probable cause supported by corroborating evidence. On the DA Form 2819, the identified offender
section is divided into two categories, "U.S. ARMY PERSONNEL" and "OTHERS."
U.S. Army personnel. Further divided into columns for reporting Army offenders by race, as follows:
Column h. R--Red (American Indian).
Column i. M--Yellow (Asian/Mongoloid).
Column j. N--Black (Negroid or African).
Column k. C--White (Caucasoid).
Column l. H--Hispanic (Caucasoid or Negroid).
Column m. X--All others.
Others. Further divided into columns for reporting other offenders by status, as indicated below:
Column n. Army FM. "ARMY FM" (Army family member). Anyone qualifying for
dependency benefits by Army regulations. Army family members who are
also employed as DA civilians will be reported as "ARMY FM" as long as
dependency status is in effect.
Column o. DAC. "DAC" (DA civilian). DA civilian employees.
Column p. Other svc. "OTHER SVC" (other services). Members of other U.S. military
Column q. Others. "OTHERS." All other personnel.
Column r. Alcohol involvement. Determination of alcohol involvement will be based
on statements of witnesses, police observation, field sobriety tests,