o Military police. MP provides local support that includes battlefield circulation control, refugee
and straggler control, and some local physical security when required.
o Engineers. The engineers support critical facilities and LOCs. They construct fortifications and
obstacles and clear debris and rubble in support of the base ADC plan.
o Medical units. All medical facilities near base clusters must know their inherent rear operations
responsibility to provide medical support. The RAOC/RTOC must coordinate with the echelon
medical officer. Ensure all medical units are aware of their responsibility and are included in the
RAOC/RTOC ADC planning. These units must be prepared to accept casualties from units
near their base.
o G5/civil affairs. G5/civil affairs elements will identify host nation support in the areas of civil
defense and public safety. They are responsible for coordinating and reducing civilian
involvement with an area damage control.
Firefighting assets are an engineer responsibility, but because of the extended distance involved and
the current technology that produces widespread destruction, other means must be found. Local
firefighting capabilities such as host nation support "ad hoc" firefighting teams may be needed. Aviation
assets may assist in medical evacuation. Utility helicopters can be used for emergency resupply,
communication relay operations, area damage assessment, and command and control. The
RAOC/RTOC will coordinate with the echelon aviation officer for this support.
Detailed planning, training, and rehearsals are required to ensure ADC operations succeed. The base
is the cornerstone of this system. When ADC assets are available, the RAOC/RTOC must provide
each base with the external support necessary to quickly overcome an attack and return to the
base's/base cluster's primary mission.