Camouflage Clothing
In the absence of issued camouflage uniforms, the soldier can make his own.
The color and pattern should blend into the terrain background. He can do this with a little planning and
skillful use of the materials on hand. Any coloring materials can be used, such as dyes, crankcase oil,
or even a mixture of mud and grease. What we want to do is make the clothing look less like a uniform
and more like the terrain we are operating in (see Figure 7-4).
Figure 7-4. Self-Made Camouflage Suits
Blend This Patrol Into the Terrain
For use in snow covered terrain, there is available a white garment designed to blend with a white or
mottled white and black background. The snowsuit does not conceal the small patches of shadow that
surround a human figure. This is not necessary since snow country is seldom all white. It does contain
numerous dark spots and shadows.