(2) It may be prepared as REPORT TO BE FORWARDED to commanders for their action or
information or as a forwarding document for: DA Form 3946 (Military Traffic Accident Report) or DD
Form 1805 (Violation Notice).
e. Initial Reports are prepared in one copy by the desk sergeant or MP. Standing operating
procedures (SOP) dictate the number of copies of final reports. There are certain offenses that must be
reported to the U.S. Army Crime Records Center (USACRC). The crimes must be one of the four
categories listed below:
(1) Violations of Article 111-133 UCMJ.
Generally, felony offenses such as arson, rape,
murder, and aggravated assault.
(2) Violations of Articles 77-85, 87-110 and 134 of UCMJ, if they carry with them a sentence of
6 months or longer. The individual need not receive that sentence but could have received it at the
time of the incident.
(3) Revocation or suspension of driving privileges. This is for offenses such as driving under
the influence (DUI), reckless driving; offenses which an individual would be assessed six points at one
time, as outlined in AR 190-5.
(4) An offense under the Assimilative Crimes Act (18 USC 13) or other federal statute for
which there is no corresponding offense in the Manual for Courts-Martial, and where there is a
For the above offenses the original DA Form 3975 will be sent to USAGRC. The first copy will be filed
at the provost marshal office. The second will be forwarded to the commander concerned.
f. Completing the form.
MPR number. This number consists of three groups of digits separated by hyphens. For
example MPR# 00287-97-MPC002 is one report number. The first set of numbers is called the
sequence number and consists of five digits. The number is assigned as the incident is reported to the
MP station. The first MPR of the calendar year is assigned the number 00001. In your example, the
MPR sequence number means it is the 287th case. The sequence numbers start at 00001 on the first
calendar day (Jan 1) and ends at 2400 hours on the last calendar day (Dec 31) of the current year.
The second set of numbers is the year suffix. This is a two-digit number. It represents the
calendar year in which the report is processed. In our example, the year suffix is 97. This means the
report number 00287 was in 1997.
The last element of the MPR number is the Military Police Code (MPC) number assigned to the
element reporting the offense. The MPC number consists of the letters "MPC" followed immediately by
a three- digit numeric code. In your example, MPC002 represents the provost marshal for Ft Meade,