o Status of prisoner's personal property at the time of release from transferring activity.
o Comments appropriate to the situation.
o Information identify the person receiving the prisoner, including his signature.
Figure 2-2. DD Form 629.
e. DD Form 629 is prepared in duplicate. It can be hand printed or typewritten. The original
copy is held at the MP station and is attached to the paperwork involving the prisoner. The first copy is
given to the person taking custody of the prisoner.
DA Form 4137, Evidence Property Custody Document.
a. DA Form 4137 is a multipurpose form referred to as the "evidence document." It documents
all property or evidence tagged with DA Form 4002, Evidence/Property Tag. This includes property
seized as evidence, impounded, or received from prisoners or detained persons. It also includes found or
recovered property.
b. The DA Form 4137 serves as a receipt for the property. It documents the acquisition and
description of evidence, the chain of custody, and the