Social and economic conditions in the surrounding communities also influence the actual loss from
pilferage. Ignored, this loss would be impossible to determine. Accounting methods must be used for
package and materiel to do the following:
a. Prevent introduction of contraband.
b. Prevent removal of unauthorized materiel.
c. Control and expedite authorized entry and removal of packages and materiel. This should be
done without interruption of normal operations.
d. Prevent loss or damage by properly executing existing security measures.
1. The words "pilferage" and "shoplifting," as mentioned in other lessons, are included within the
meaning of stealing, theft, larceny, and other such terms. All of these imply theft of any quantity or any
item of materiel with a monetary value. Pilferage is theft of any kind of materiel by persons who are
authorized within the facility or area. It is the threat best controlled by package, materiel and vehicle
control. Therefore, discussion will be more in depth than in previous lessons.
a. A casual pilferer can be almost anyone. He steals if given the chance; he takes items for
individual use. He requires no assistance and steals without prior planning. The size of the item is very
b. A systematic pilferer is a person or group of people who steal according to a preconceived plan
or method. He has a motive of some form or seeks personal profit. He carefully plans his operation,
steals for monetary value, and requires the aid of several people. The size of the item stolen is not
2. Reasons for Stealing. People steal for many reasons. Listed below are a few of the reasons and
a. Profit. The casual pilferer steals things he can use without paying for them. Most systematic
pilferers steal for the money they hope to make by selling the items.
b. Excitement. They have little concern about the items they are stealing. They enjoy beating the
system. If they are a success, they can turn systematic.
c. A kleptomaniac is a person who will take items without regard for value or use. They steal
compulsively and often openly. They repeat even after several apprehensions, and they are generally
nervous and shy.
d. A disaffectionate person steals to get back at the system or a person.