pastoral care, as well as, health and dental clinics and other inmate support services. A Special
Housing Unit (SHU) is also part of the support complex. Referred to as the SHU, the unit houses
newly assigned prisoners, maximum custody, administratively segregated inmates and those
inmates sentenced to death. The SHU can accommodate up to 95 inmates.
3. There are three housing units for inmate housing. Each housing unit accommodates up to 142
inmates and is made up of two "pods," which are two-tiered triangular shaped domiciles with an
open-air center area containing pay phones, televisions, and chairs. One control center, located
between the two-tiered triangular shaped domiciles, manages each housing unit.
4. The USDB provides a safe, secure environment in which confined prisoners can undergo
correctional treatment. The mission emphasis is on correctional treatment and educational and
vocational training. The facility is staffed with carefully selected, well-qualified correctional,
supervisory, and professional personnel.
5. The USDB is the ACS maximum custody facility that provides long-term incarceration for
military prisoners for all services. It is the only ACS facility authorized to incarcerate permanently
post trial prisoners with a prison sentence of death. The USDB provides specialized correctional
programs encompassing professional evaluation, counseling, training, custody, and personnel
administration to prepare military prisoners for return to civilian life or to military duty. The
USDB, because it holds prisoners in confinement longer than other facilities, places a
correspondingly greater emphasis on the correctional portion of its mission.
6. Administration and operation of the USDB will be accomplished in a uniform manner to attain
the following objectives:
a. To provide a secure environment conducive to a program for the correction of confined
military prisoners.
b. To provide military prisoners whose sentences include a punitive discharge, the skills,
proficiencies, and behavioral attitudes that equip them for restoration to duty or return to civilian
life as useful citizens.
c. To provide military prisoners whose sentences do not include a punitive discharge, the skills,
proficiencies, and behavioral attitudes that equip them for ultimate return to duty as effective
7. The professional staff of the USDB includes education officers, training officers, chaplain,
psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, judge advocate officers, and medical and dental
8. Specialized Activities are various opportunities and activities available to the military prisoner
sentenced to confinement. They include vocational training, academic vocational programs,
apprenticeship training programs, prisoners in vocational or trade training, textbook and teaching
aids. The vocational training funds may be used to pay for vocational training programs per AR
190-47 and may be supplemented with the use of Nonappropriated Funds (NAF) per appropriate
NAF regulations.