(8) A complete and accurate log should be maintained on inspections. The log should
contain the date and time of each inspection; the names, grades, and organizations of inspecting
persons; and pertinent comments made by inspecting personnel.
b. Prisoner Processing Section: This section provides for the administrative processing of
prisoners upon confinement, release, or transfer.
c. Postal Section: This section provides postal services for prisoners, maintains prisoners' mail
and correspondence records, inspects incoming and outgoing mail as required, and maintains
prisoners' stamp accounts.
d. Property and Funds Section: This section provides the accounting for, safeguard of, and
control of prisoners' personal property and funds. Prisoner's personal property and funds not
authorized for retention in their possession are taken from them immediately after their acceptance
into confinement, receipted, and processed as soon as possible. These items are held in trust for them
during their confinement or disposed of, as will be discussed later.
e. Food Service Section: This section provides food services for all prisoners and other
personnel as may be authorized to dine at the facility. The food served to prisoners is important for
their morale, welfare, and discipline; therefore, the highest possible food service standards should be
observed. Rations issued for use in prisoners' messes will be of the same type, quantity, and quality
as those furnished for other enlisted personnel on the installation.
f. Supply Section: This section provides all supply services necessary in the facility. This
includes the procurement, storage, security, maintenance, issue, and accounting of all supplies,
clothing, and equipment required. Supply functions in a confinement facility are basically the same
as those in any military unit; however, there are additional requirements peculiar to the facility.
These requirements include procuring and issuing health and comfort supplies and using more
stringent security measures to prevent supplies and equipment from getting into the hands of
personnel not authorized to have these items.
g. Correctional Supervisor Section: This section supervises those prisoner custody and control
functions performed by correctional supervisors and guards at main gates, vehicle gates, sally ports,
and entrances to close confinement areas or installation hospitalized prisoner wards. It also
supervises those custody and control functions within close confinement areas, prisoner barracks or
congregate cells, hospitalized prisoner wards, prisoner messes, visiting areas, and exercise yards.
This section is also responsible for the control of the circulation of individuals, conduct of necessary
searches, shakedowns, inspections, and the security of gates, locks, and similar equipment. Other
duties of the correctional supervisor section include:
(1) Attending prisoner training for the purpose of submitting reports of observation
regarding prisoner conduct during training.
(2) Observing the prisoner work programs for the purpose of submitting reports regarding
conduct and progress on work projects.
h. Prisoner Guard Section: This section supervises those prisoner control functions performed
by tower, perimeter, and detail guards. These functions include preventing escapes, guarding the