24. The senior confinement Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) assists in the administration and
operation of the facility. Assists in the general supervision of the staff and the enforcement of rules
and regulations. Supervises prisoner employment assignments. Informs the facility commander of
incidents that affect the custody or morale of prisoners. And ensures control measures are enforced
throughout the facility and in the hospitalized-prisoner ward. Major functions include the
a. General supervision of assigned or detailed enlisted personnel.
b. Administration of the facility and enforcement of pertinent regulations.
c. General supervision of prisoner employment assignments.
d. Reporting of incidents that affect the custody or morale of prisoners.
e. Daily checking of control measures within the facility and hospitalized prisoner wards.
f. Serving as First Sergeant of the US Army Correctional Holding Detachment.
25. The chief correctional supervisor has direct supervision over all confinement and custodial
personnel within the facility. Monitors all aspects of custody, control, and confinement treatment
within the facility and ensures that rules and regulations are followed and enforced.
26. The Counseling and Evaluation Section performs correctional evaluation of prisoners.
Maintains frequent contact with the prisoners through counseling. Responsible for monitoring the
installation parolee program, scheduling installation restoration and clemency boards, and providing
a member of the section to act as recorder for those boards. The major functions of this section are
discussed below.
27. Correctional evaluation. The counseling and evaluation section performs correctional
evaluations to determine if an individual has the potential for restoration to duty if his separation
from the service is indicated. A determination is also made as to appropriate disposition with
is also gathered to aid in developing an individual correctional treatment plan which will include the
a. Planning the program to achieve the desired results, to include necessary counseling,
training, and employment.
b. Dealing with the personal problems of the prisoner.
c. Reviewing and modifying the plan when necessary.
28. An individual correctional treatment file (CTF) will be established for each prisoner to enable
the counseling and evaluation section to perform continuous correctional evaluation of the prisoners
on the basis of all pertinent available information. This file will be initiated by the prisoner service
branch when the prisoner is processed into confinement. This file will contain facts concerning the
prisoner's offense, habits, discipline, intelligence, aptitudes, personality, and potential for military