c. Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Military Personnel Management & Equal
Opportunity Policy), OASA (Manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA)).
d. Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Army Review Boards).
e. OASA (M&RA).
f. DAPM.
Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G1 (one representative).
h. Office of the Judge Advocate General (JAG) (one representative).
i. Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (one representative).
j. Assistant Chief of Staff for Base Operations Support, US Army Training and Doctrine
k. Surgeon General (invitational advisor only).
l. Chief of Chaplains (invitational advisor only).
4. The DAPM will provide policy for:
a. Annual technical staff inspections of ACS facilities under their jurisdiction.
b. Operational oversight for the ACS.
5. The Judge Advocate General (JAG) will provide advice on American Correctional Association
(ACA) legal issues; provide advice on legal issues of confinement and corrections to the DAPM;
and ensure that the necessary support is provided to meet the legal needs of prisoners incarcerated
within the ACS.
6. The Surgeon General will establish procedures for ensuring availability of health care to
prisoners in Army custody, consistent with that provided to active duty Soldiers. Transfers of
prisoners, whether temporary or permanent, outside the Department of Defense (DOD), will be
coordinated with and approved by DAPM.e.
7. The Chief of Chaplains will ensure the necessary support to meet the religious and pastoral
needs of prisoners incarcerated within the ACS.
8. Commanders of Major Army Commands (MACOMs) will Implement and execute the ACS, as
delineated in this regulation and announced by DAPM. Supervise the operation and administration
of ACS facilities under their jurisdiction, per this and other applicable regulations. Provide logistical
and budgetary support of ACS operations.