9. Commanders of installations having ACS facilities are responsible for the safe operation of local
ACS facilities and will ensure compliance with the policies set forth herein. Pursuant to this
responsibility, commanders will provide health, legal, religious, recreational, employment,
educational, training, food service, and transportation support to ACS facilities on their installations
consistent with resources available. The Correctional Custody Facility (CCF) OIC will ensure that
correctional custody is properly administered. The commander of the installation medical activity
will inspect health services and sanitation monthly, when the facility is occupied. The installation
provost marshal will exercise staff supervision over the CCF and, when the facility is occupied,
inspect it monthly.
10. Commanders of tactical organizations in the field are directly responsible for the administration
and operation of confinement and correctional facilities operated by their organizations. In
garrison, such commanders participate in the confinement and correction activities of the
installation on which their organization is stationed only as far as personnel of their respective
organizations are directly affected.
11. Commanders of subordinate units with personnel in confinement are responsible for supporting
confinement and correction policies so far as they affect personnel of their units. They should visit
each prisoner from their units at least once a month in order to assist personnel of the facility in
matters relative to the welfare and morale of the prisoner. During these visits it will be necessary
that they observe the prisoner and evaluate his attitude as a basis for a decision whether to
recommend return to duty or elimination proceedings.
12. During initial orientation, newly assigned commanders of units often visit the area
confinement facility to be briefed by the OIC of confinement procedures and the correctional
treatment program. This briefing should emphasize to unit commanders their continuing
responsibility to unit personnel who are in confinement.
13. Major Command Provost Marshals. Major command provost marshals are responsible for the
staff supervision of confinement facilities located within their respective jurisdiction. Installation
provost marshals are responsible for staff supervision of regional confinement facilities located on
an installation under their jurisdiction. They supervise the implementation of all regulations
pertaining to the administration and operation of such facilities.
14. The staff officers referred to in the following paragraphs have specific responsibilities and
functions relative to confinement and correction activities that directly affect the operations of a
facility and the correctional treatment process.
15. The adjutant and others concerned with personnel actions are responsible for the processing of
recommendations for the administrative elimination of prisoners from the service. They contribute
advice to the OIC of a facility and the unit commander concerned, relative to processing these
16 . The chaplain promotes the spiritual and moral welfare of prisoners through worship services,
special religious activities, counseling, and emphasis on moral, ethical, spiritual, and social values.
Works in both individual and group counseling. The chaplain is a trained counselor in religious,
personal, and social matters. Is frequently able to establish a mutual understanding with individual
prisoners more rapidly and effectively than other personnel.