Figure 1-1. Rate of Earning GCT Table
7. To illustrate exactly how the GCT is determined, we will use the previous examples:
a. Example 1. (Continued.)
Prisoner Jones was sentenced to CHL for 2 months, as adjudged on 17 Sep 05.
Looking at the Rate of Earnings Table, figure 1-1, we have determined that Prisoner
Jones can acquire 5 days GCT for each month of confinement for a total of 10 days.
b. Example 2. (Continued.)
Prisoner Johnson was sentenced to CHL for 7 months, as adjudged on 27 Sep 05.
We can determine that by multiplying 7 months times 5 days, we find that Prisoner
Johnson has the potential of earning 35 days GCT.
c. Example 3. (Continued.)
Prisoner Curry was sentenced to CHL for 9 months, as adjudged on 21 May 05. To
determine the GCT, multiply 9 times 5 and we find Prisoner Curry can earn 45 days
Maximum Good Conduct Time (MGCT).
8. MRD Computation. The MRD is the earliest date the prisoner may be released from
confinement. This date is determined by accomplishing three steps, two of which have already
been explained. We have determined the MXRD and the MGCT. With this information, and
using figure 1-2, or 1-3, we can compute a prisoner's MRD. For examples in determining the
computation of the MRD, let's again use the previous examples.
a. Example 1. (Continued.)