Temporary Separation
In some cases, a cooling off period may be advisable. In military units, the military member may spend
the night, or several nights, at the barracks or other designated facility. Care must be taken in
exercising this option in that it often carries the stigma of guilt for the military member. All parties
should understand it is for convenience, rather than punishment or an assignment of guilt. Close
coordination is required with the unit commander.
When required, due to the actions of the individual, an apprehension may have to be effected. An
apprehension is normally effected when a serious offense has occurred. The senior MP will have to
make this judgment. Local military police training should be coordinated with the staff judge advocate
to ensure that the latest legal doctrine is applied. In effecting an apprehension, care must be taken for
the MP personal safety. In such a situation it is relatively common for the other party to the dispute to
turn on the MP, sometimes violently.
Before departing the dwelling, MP should restate whatever agreement has been reached. Ensure that
the disputants understand what is about to happen. Uncertainty merely adds to the stress of a crisis
situation. Misunderstanding and uncertainty can regenerate the crisis.
Policies should be fully explained. In accordance with local policy, inform the unit commander. The
unit commander may be able to provide needed information, or assist in the solution of the problem.
Some "do's" and "don'ts" that should be remembered are:
Do Not:
o Over react to the situation.
o Become emotionally involved.
o Chastise either party in the presence of the other(s).