Lesson 3/PE 3
This practice exercise will show you how much you have learned in this lesson. Answer each question.
When you are done, turn the page to check your answers.
1. Domestic disturbances are delicate and dangerous incidents to handle. You determine through your
analysis that the majority of domestic disturbances occur on your installation on Friday and Saturday
evenings. One of the actions you should probably take is to
a. double the housing area patrols on Friday and Saturday.
b. place your best crisis intervention team on duty at those times.
c. have the PM request courtesy patrols for the housing area.
d. none of the above.
2. Statistics reflect that the rooms to be avoided, when possible, in calming a domestic disturbance are
a. living and dining rooms.
b. dining and bath rooms.
c. kitchen and bedroom.
d. bedroom and dining room.
3. In responding to a domestic disturbance call, MP should
a. respond quickly, using emergency equipment.
b. approach the door directly and demand entry.
c. seek the assistance of neighbors.
d. park one house away, if possible.