o Safety programs.
o Education programs.
o Changes in MP operational procedures.
The information derived from traffic studies is important to various staff offices and to the public. A
traffic enforcement bulletin may be used to communicate this information to MPs. This bulletin should
list locations having the greatest hazards, causes, and times of accidents.
6. Summary
In this part we discussed collection and analysis of traffic data. You know the various types of traffic
studies which provide this .information and how to use the information to enforce traffic laws and
prevent accidents. Use this data to plan traffic patrols.
Special emphasis was placed on the traffic accident study. You should now be able to use the data
from these studies to determine the areas of accident construct and use the maps and diagrams which
make the data from traffic studies meaningful.
1. Personnel Assets.
To determine the personnel you are authorized, check your installation's TDA and TOE. These tables
contain listings of the personnel you should have, not the personnel you have. In order to determine
your personnel assets, you need to know the actual number of persons assigned to the traffic law
enforcement section. Then you make allowances for leave, TDY, and illness before you design your
patrol shifts and personnel assignments. Shift design was discussed in Lesson 1.
Military police assets must be available when and where needed. This principle of selective
enforcement applies to traffic enforcement problems as well. Historical data and its uses will be
discussed later in this lesson. Another criterion of planning personnel assets is that squad and platoon
integrity should be maintained under the same supervisory personnel.
2. Assigning Patrol Areas.
When traffic enforcement patrol areas are designed, there are several factors to consider.
geographical size of a patrol area depends on traffic related history and physical history.
The traffic history of an area will be found in the various traffic related studies we discussed in Part A.
These studies are not one-time events. The studies should be reviewed and updated on a regular