By analyzing the data from past events, crime rates, and personnel and equipment needs, you can
determine where to best place patrol personnel. Distribution also equalizes the workload among patrol
You look for patterns in criminal activity to plan patrols. This gives you a means of predicting your
patrol needs as well as a means of planning leave schedules and unit training.
We discussed the proportionality principle which means distributing your resources proportionally by
need. You learned how to determine the percentage of offenses per shift per week and to determine
the average work hours needed per shift per week. The percentage of crime for a given day is used to
determine the number of work hours needed for each shift of the day.
We also discussed the types of patrols and their advantages and disadvantages. You were introduced
to shift planning, equipment needs, and other factors which influence patrol planning.
The individual military policeman is our most valuable resource when it comes to planning patrol
operations. Effectively applying the principle of selective enforcement will help ensure mission
accomplishment. Selective enforcement will also conserve the time and energy of our military police.