Figure 2-7. Divide Officer Area Before Searching.
Next, divide the room into four levels. The first sweep of the room will include all objects from the floor
to waist level. This sweep will take the most time and effort because it includes almost all items of
furniture and underneath rugs (see Figure 2-8).
The second level of search includes everything from the waist to the chin. This will include items such
as table tops, filing cabinets and lower shelves.
The third level of search includes all items from the chin to ceiling. This will include picture frames,
shelves, cupboards, windows, and vents.
The last level includes anything above the ceiling if it is false. Check vents, pipes, indirect lighting
fixtures and ceiling supports.
It may be necessary in larger rooms to use two or more teams to conduct a thorough search. Figure 2-
9 shows one approach to this situation.
The room search is ended only when the person in charge is satisfied that an adequate search has
been made. A searcher should never say, "There is no bomb." He should say only, "No bomb was