function the subject of a separate report.
Limited scope surveys are often more
appropriate for large scale activities. A decision should be made by supervisors,
during the initial planning stages, concerning the intended scope of the survey.
This decision should be coordinated with the supported commander.
Remember that
effective communication skills can impact drastically on the ability to get the job
Determine Research Requirements.
Ensure that agents collect and review previous
CPSs and actions taken by commanders in response to the deficiencies and
observations in surveys, AAA reports, extracts of inspector general reports,
Obtain and review all applicable regulations and references on the
activity. This will provide much of the necessary information needed to formulate
the specific plans for the survey which is to be conducted.
Evaluate the complexity of the facility to be surveyed. The agents should consider
their present knowledge of facility operations and their need for research.
technical proficiency prior to beginning the survey.
As the supervisor, you are
responsible for the actions of your agents and must ensure they are prepared for
the job.
Consider the special requirements of activities or facilities which are subordinate
to the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)(AR 195-7) and the Defense
Logistic Agency (DLA)(AR 195-8).
These activities operate under separate
regulations which must be consulted during both the planning stage and conduct of
the survey to ensure that all required procedures are followed.
You must anticipate the need for outside technical assistance.
There may be
problems which will require skills, such as accounting and engineering, which are
not normally available within USACIDC.
Personnel obtained from agencies outside
USACIDC should be thoroughly briefed and supervised by the agent who is in charge
of the survey mission.
Liaison with activities providing such support should be
planned well in advance of the actual survey.
Determine Covert Requirements. Commitment of an agent to full time covert status
requires written approval from the appropriate major subordinate commander. As the
CID office commander, you will determine, on a case-by-case basis, if notification
of a covert effort will be made to the commander of the facility surveyed. In some
cases, the commander's assistance may be needed to introduce an agent, in a covert
status, into the activity or facility being surveyed.
Entrance Briefing
At the beginning of every CPS, an entrance briefing must be conducted with the
commander or activity chief and any other officials as appropriate, such as the
security officer. This briefing should address the following: