a. Security cards and badges may be photographic or non-photographic;
they may be laminated, embossed, sealed, or otherwise joined to achieve the
desired level of tamper resistance required by the installation or activity
concerned. They will meet or exceed the specifications listed below:
(1) Must identify the name of the installation or activity for which
the card or badge is valid.
(2) Must show the name of the person to whom issued.
Visitor cards
and badges may show "VISITOR" in place of name.
(3) Cards and badges must contain a card or badge serial number or
sequence number to aid control and accountability.
(4) Cards and badges will show an expiration date.
(5) Cards and badges will identify the areas for which the card or
badge is valid.
(6) Area designation may be visually shown on the card or badge or it
may be coded by mechanical, electronic, magnetic, or some other method
suitable to the desired level of security.
(7) All non-standardized cards and badges proposing the use of
mechanical electronic, or other technological readers to determine access
authorization will be approved by the MACOM before use.
b. The design of the security ID cards and badges must meet or exceed
the following criteria:
(1) When a photograph is used, it should measure 1-inch wide and
1 5/16 inches in height.
The photograph would eliminate the necessity to
state descriptive data.
(2) Physical features which aid in identification may be listed.
example, height, weight, color hair, eyes, sex, date of birth,
(3) The card or badge may show the name, grade, title, and signature
of the authorizing official.
(4) If the card or badge has paper elements, the paper may be
uniquely constructed, may portray a unique design or distinctive water mark
or other features that make duplication or alteration difficult.
(5) The card or badge may contain design features difficult to
duplicate such as visible cross threads or wires, fluorescent inks, and so