d. Invalidate lost cards and badges.
e. Post current lists of lost or invalidated passes and badges at entry
control points.
f. Set up controls to enable security persons on duty to determine the
number of personnel within the area at any time. Security should be able to
make this determination promptly and accurately.
g. Establish the two-man rule where needed.
h. Set up procedures to control movement of visitors to security areas.
A visitor control record should be maintained, and it should be located
where positive controls can be exercised.
Two-Person Rule.
a. The two-person rule is an additional security measure. It insures
that no one person will have access to nuclear or chemical weapons.
rule requires the presence of at least two authorized persons.
Each can
detect incorrect or unauthorized procedures with respect to the task to be
Each is familiar with applicable safety and security requirements.
Also, each person will be present during any operation that affords access
to sensitive weapons.
b. There are other areas where the two-person concept can be used in
physical security. These areas include the following:
(1) Those areas where intentional or unintentional
equipment, machinery, or material must be prevented.
(2) Areas where uncontrolled access to funds must be prevented.
(3) Areas where uncontrolled access to arms and ammunition must be
(4) Areas where uncontrolled delivery or receipt of materials must be
Visitor Control Procedures.
a. A visitor is any person not listed on the entry control roster for
that area. "Any person" includes post personnel.
b. Precautions against theft, espionage, and sabotage require special
treatment. This includes screening, identification and control of visitors.
Visitors to posts are generally in the following categories:
(1) Persons with whom every post must have dealings.
Such would
occur in connection with the conduct of its business.
Examples are
representatives of suppliers and customers, licensors or licensees,