Make, year, and description of vehicle (8).
State license or registration number (9) or military registration number.
(e) Installation tag number to include color of the tag (blue, red, green) (10). This space
will be marked N/A for nontactical vehicles or vehicles not registered on post. For tactical vehicles,
record the bumper number.
Date of the incident (day-month-year)(11).
Time of incident (12).
Location (13).
(5) Description of violation or violations. Place an "X" in those blocks which pertain to the
violations. If a violation is not listed, describe it in the block labeled "OTHER VIOLATIONS" (14).
(6) Conditions at time of violation. Mark those blocks which may have increased the
seriousness of the violation such as inclement weather. Mark the highway type (15).
(7) Remarks section. Use if incident warrants (16).
(8) Signature/organization. Name of the individual issuing the ticket with the signature directly
above the printed name (17).
The name of the provost marshal office should be in the
organization/installation block, the installation and state (18). Place rank in the last block (19).
(9) Issuing authority's notes. (See Figure 1-13.) Remarks which the MP may review later in
preparation for a court appearance.
(10) Witnesses. Obtain enough information from them so that they can easily be found at a
later date, if required.
(11) Request for action taken on traffic violation (copy 1, reverse side, Figure 1-14). This is
completed by the provost marshal's office. It is then forwarded to the violator's command for
appropriate action. The form is then returned to the provost marshal's office and filed.
(12) Instructions to the violator (see Figure 1-15). Enter a check and any additional data as
required by SOP.
a. Record observations of behavior and tests on persons apprehended for an offense in which
alcoholic influence is a factor.
b. Completing DD Form 1920 (see Figures 1-16 and 1-17).