o DESTROY -- If evidence is to be destroyed, the item number(s) are listed on the
second line.
o OTHER -- Indicates release of evidence to a party other than the original owner. This
is for evidence turned over to the FBI, Secret Service, or other activities. The
receiving party or agency must be listed.
(3) Review the above for continuity with the last Purpose of Change of Custody section
listed in the previous section.
m. Final Disposition Authority. This section of the DA Form 4137 is completed when evidence
is no longer needed. The evidence custodian completes the first section. He indicates items released or
destroyed and the investigation reference.
The evidence custodian then hand delivers or mails the original custody document to the official
authorized to approve the final disposal of the evidence. The approving authority signs and dates the
second portion of this section.
n. Witness to Destruction of Evidence. This section is completed for all items of evidence that
are destroyed. Review this section for correct item numbers, witness' name, organization, and signature.
Ensure that last entry in the "Chain of Custody" section documents this disposition.
o. Distribution. DA Form 4137 is prepared in an original and three copies. It is distributed in
the following manner:
o Original, first, and second copies are presented to the evidence custodian:
-- Retains the original and first copy in his files.
-- Returns second copy to the SA or MP who submitted the evidence for the case file. It
is attached to the MPR.
o The third copy is given to the person originally releasing the property. It is a receipt for
the property.
DA Form 4002, Evidence Property Tag.
a. When evidence is detained, it must be tagged with DA Form 4002, Evidence/Property Tag.
The purpose of the tag is to identify and control each item of evidence. The MP who receives the
evidence first is responsible for tagging it. DA Form 4002 is used to more easily identify items;
especially if there are several pieces of evidence for one case. The evidence custodian and laboratory
examiner use the tag information when processing and handling evidence (see Figure 2-5).