final disposal action and authority. It is also used to document the witness to destruction of evidence.
Figures 2-3 and 2-4 are samples of the Evidence/Property Custody Document. Review the blocks as we
discuss them.
c. Heading. Make sure the blocks in the heading contain the following information:
o MPR/CID SEQUENCE NUMBER--The report sequence number from the activity
handling the case.
o CRC REPORT/CIDRO NUMBER--The report number from the activity conducting the
o RECEIVING ACTIVITY--The office or organization conducting the investigation.
o LOCATION--The room number, building number, installation, and state of the office or
organizations conducting the investigation.
d. Name, Grade, and Title of Person from Whom Received. All evidence received from a
person must include name, grade, and title. If the evidence received is not from the owner of the
property, then you check "Other." This would include rented or borrowed property. Evidence that is
collected other than from a person should reflect "Other" on the DA Form 4137. An example of
property used as evidence which did not come from a person is in Figure 2-3. In this sample, the
evidence was found at the crime scene. There is no known owner at the time the evidence was
collected. Therefore, "Other" was checked and "Crime Scene" was typed in this block.
e. Address. The person's address from whom the property was taken is listed here. If, as in the
sample DA Form 4137, there is no known owner, then "N/A" is typed into this block.
f. Location from Where Obtained. This is exactly where the evidence was found. Sometimes a
sketch of the crime scene is helpful to describe the exact location. The evidence in Figure 2-3 was
obtained from the living room of a residence.
g. Reason Obtained. On the sample DA Form 4137, you can see the property was taken from
the living room of the residence for the purpose of collecting evidence. Contraband (or controlled
substance) would be noted as "found controlled substance." Explosives found or detained would be
marked for destruction.
h. Time and Date Obtained. This is the exact time or best approximate time the property was
obtained. In the same evidence document, five items were collected at the crime scene. Between 0900
hours and 1130 hours on 2 January, the evidence was collected by CID Special Agent (SA) Paul.