b. Punishment for the offenses cited on DD Form 1805 does not exceed one year imprisonment,
,000.00 in fines, or one year imprisonment and
,000.00 in fines.
c. Some offenses, such as parking and moving traffic violations are handled by mailing the
designated fine.
d. Some minor offenses require an appearance in court. In accordance with AR 190-29, the
installation PM or comparable law enforcement official will coordinate with local magistrates or district
courts. He will secure an approved list of offenses requiring mandatory appearance.
e. General guidelines for violations demanding court appearance include:
o Indictable offenses.
o Offenses resulting in accidents.
o Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or mind-altering drugs.
o Allowing another person under the influence of the above to drive a vehicle that one
owns or has custody of.
f. Some violators of minor offenses request a court appearance. This is done at the time the DD
Form 1805 is issued. Violators can also request a court appearance by mail if they are not present at the
time the citation is issued.
g. Distribution of the DD Form 1805 depends on whether or not the violation is a mail-in
violation or requires a court appearance.
When mail-in procedures are authorized:
o Copies 1, 2, and 3 are returned to the PMO.
-- The PMO forwards copies 1 and 2 to the appropriate U.S. District Court.
-- Copy 3 is filed at the PMO.
o Copy 4 (envelope) is issued to the violator or placed on his vehicle.
For offenses that require mandatory court appearances:
o Copies 1, 2, and 3 are returned to the PMO.
-- The PMO forwards copies 1 and 2 within 24 hours to the magistrate before whom the
violator is to appear.
-- Copy 3 is filed at the PMO.