pay grade for military personnel and civilian pay grade for DA civilian personnel (for example, GS7).
The codes for column "e" and "f" can be found at the bottom of the report form.
t. Property Data. In the Property Data block, list all lost, stolen, recovered, and/or damaged
property related to the report. Evidence which falls into one of these four categories will also be listed
here. However, evidence that is confiscated from its owner and has not been lost, stolen, recovered, or
damaged is not listed in Block 18. This information should be entered in Block 19b, Disposition of
Evidence (for example, a knife used by its owner in an aggravated assault is evidence, but not listed in
Block 18, because it has not been lost, stolen, recovered, or damaged).
The date listed is the date of loss, theft, damage, or recovery, whichever is later. The codes for "b" and
"c" are self-explanatory and can be found at the bottom of the report form. The codes chosen should be
the ones that most accurately reflect the type and action. The code chosen for action must reflect the
actual state of the property at the time of the report. Only one code is obtained for each column. The
value listed will be the fair market value (U.S. currency) obtained from the owner or responsible agent.
u. Disposition. The disposition of the offender must be stated clearly. If a subject has not been
apprehended, the subject will be listed as "at large." The disposition of evidence must include a
description of the evidence and its present location, also indicate the initiation of the DA Form 4137
(Evidence/Property Custody Document).
v. Enclosures. This is a list of all the statements and reports completed at the time the MPR is
prepared. List those documents which provide facts governing the offense and are being sent with the
report to the commander.
w. Distribution. On initial reports, the Distribution space is left blank. On final reports, state
the number of copies and where they are being sent. Distribution will normally be set by local policy in
accordance with AR 190-45.
x. For the Commander. Person signing this form should be designated by local policy, and if
signing for the commander must be on orders. Reports not requiring commander's action can be signed
by designated individuals not on orders.
On final report when a commander's action is required, the name, rank, and branch of the MP officer
acting as assistant or Acting Assistant, Adjutant General, will be listed. The entry is typed in all caps.
On final reports when a commander's action is not required, the words "For the Commander" should be
struck out. The name of the officer who is tasked to